The Status Screens
8.3. The Plug Group Status Screen
The Plug Group Status screen shows the configuration details and On/Off status for the
MPC's user-defined Plug Groups.
• When the Plug Group Status Screen is viewed by an account with
"Administrator" or "SuperUser" command access, all MPC plugs and plug
groups are listed. When the Plug Status Screen is viewed by an account with
"User" or "ViewOnly" command access, then the screen will list only the plugs
and plug groups that are allowed by that account.
• The procedure for defining parameters for individual plugs is described
in Section 5.7. The procedure for defining Plug Groups is described in
Section 5.6.
• In order to display the Plug Group Status screen, you must first define at least
one Plug Group as described in Section 5.6.
• When the Plug Group Status Screen is viewed via the Text Interface, only the
first 16 plugs will be displayed. Press [Enter] to display the additional plugs.
Press [Esc] to exit from the Plug Status Screen.
To view the Plug Group Status Screen, access the MPC command mode and then
proceed as follows:
• Text Interface: Type /SG and press [Enter].
• Web Browser Interface: Click on the "Plug Group Status" link on the left hand side
of the screen. The MPC will display a screen that lists all currently defined Plug
Groups. Click the check box(es) next to the Plug Group(s) that you want to review,
and then click on the "Get Plug Group Status" button.
The Plug Group Status Screen lists the following parameters for each Plug Group:
• Group Name: The user-defined name for each Plug Group.
• Unit: This field will read "Local" if the outlet is located on your local MPC unit, or
"Remote", if the outlet is located on an optional, remote AUX MPC unit.
• Plug: The alphanumeric number of each switched outlet in the Plug Group.
• Plug Name: (Web Interface Only) The User Defined name for each switched outlet
in the Plug Group.
• Default: The Default On/Off value for each switched outlet in the Plug Group.
• Boot Seq. Delay: The user-defined Boot/Sequence Delay for each switched outlet
in the Plug Group.
• Status: The On/Off status of each switched outlet in the Plug Group. If the Status
column includes an asterisk, this means that this outlet is busy completing another
command, that was previously invoked, either by you or another user.