Basic Configuration
5.7. Defining Plug Parameters
The Plug Parameters Menu is used to define Plug Names, boot/sequence delay times
and Power Up Default values for each of the MPC's Switched AC Outlets. Note that this
function is only available when you have accessed command mode using a password
that permits Administrator Level commands. To define Plug Parameters, proceed as
• Text Interface: Type /PL and then press [Enter]. The Plug Parameters Menu will
be displayed as shown in Figure 5.9. To define Plug Parameters, key in the number
for the desired parameter, press [Enter] and then follow the instructions in the
resulting submenu.
• Web Browser Interface: Click the "Plug Parameters" link on the left hand side of
the screen to display the Plug Group Directory menu (Figure 5.10.) To define Plug
Parameters, either place the cursor in the Plug Name field and key in a new name,
or locate the drop down menu for the desired parameter, click on the down arrow,
and scroll to the desired parameter and select it. When you are finished selecting
Plug Parameters, click the "Change Plugs" button to apply he new parameters.
The Plug Parameters Menu allows you to define the following parameters:
• Plug Name: (Up to 16 Characters, Default = undefined.)
Note: Plug Names must begin with either a lower case alphabetic letter
or upper case alphabetic letter. Plug Names cannot begin with a number
character or symbol character.
• Boot/Seq. Delay: When more than one plug is switched On or a reboot cycle is
initiated, the Boot/Sequence delay determines how much time will elapse before
the next plug is switched On. When the Boot/Sequence Delay is applied, the MPC
will wait for the user-defined delay period before switching On the next plug. This
allows time for the device connected to the first plug to adequately "wake up" before
switching on power to the device connected to the next plug. When Reboot cycles
and switching actions are initiated, the Boot/Sequence Delay will be applied as
follows: (Default = 0.5 Second.)
Reboot Cycle Delay: During a reboot cycle, the MPC will first switch all selected
plugs "Off" (with a 0.5 second pause between each "Off" operation), and then
begin to switch selected plugs back On again, pausing for the user-defined
Boot/Sequence Delay before switching On the next plug. For example, if the
Boot/Sequence Delay for Plug 3 is ten seconds, then the MPC will pause for ten
seconds before proceeding to the next plug.
"On" Sequence Delay: When two or more plugs are switched On, the MPC will
pause for the user-defined Boot/Sequence Delay before switching On the next