Command Reference Guide
/H Help
Displays a Help Screen, which lists all available Text Interface commands along with a
brief description of each command.
Note: In the Administrator Mode, the Help Screen will list the entire MPC Text
Interface command set. In SuperUser Mode, User Mode and ViewOnly Mode,
the Help Screen will only list the commands that are allowed for the User Mode
or ViewOnly Mode.
Availability: Administrator, SuperUser, User, ViewOnly
/H [Enter]
/L Log Functions
Provides access to a menu which allows you to display the Audit Log, Alarm Log
Current Metering Log and Power Metering Log. For more information on Log Functions,
please refer to Section 5.3.4 and Section 8.
Availability: Administrator, SuperUser, User, ViewOnly
/L [Enter]
/M Current Metering Status
Displays the Current Metering Status Screen, which lists current, voltage and power
readings for both power circuits, and also lists the trigger settings for the Over
Temperature Alarm and the Over Current Alarm. When one or more AUX/Remote MPC
units are connected to your local MPC unit, the Current Metering Status screen will
also show current levels at the AUX/Remote units. For more information on Current
Metering, please refer to Section 8.4. For more information on Alarm Configuration,
please refer to Section 7.
Availability: Administrator, SuperUser, User, ViewOnly
/M [Enter]
/J Display Site ID / Unit Information
Displays the user-defined Site I.D. message. If the optional asterisk (*) argument is
included in the command line, the command will also show model numbers, current
ratings, and software versions for the local MPC unit, as well as any remote MPC units
that may be connected to the AUX ports.
Availability: Administrator, SuperUser, User, ViewOnly
/J [*] [Enter]
Where * (asterisk) is an optional command argument, that is used to display the
model number, current rating and software version for the local MPC unit, as well as
any remote MPC units that may be connected to the AUX ports.