Recording Settings
From the TiVo Central
screen, select Messages & Settings, then Settings, then Recording.
The Overlap Protection
Being able to record two programs at the same time doesn’t eliminate all possible recording
conflicts. The Overlap Protection feature gives you additional options for dealing with
recording conflicts when they occur.
• If Overlap Protection is turned off, when two programs overlap by a few minutes (for
example, one program ends at 8:33, while the next program begins at 8:30), the lower
priority recording is cancelled.
• With Overlap Protection turned on, the DVR automatically clips the lower priority recording
by just enough minutes to allow both programs to record.
When scheduling new recordings, the DVR notifies you of any recording conflict and gives you
options for resolving it. If Overlap Protection is on, your options include clipping the lower
priority program.
Recording Priorities. Overlap Protection works by using the Season Pass Manager (page 24) to
determine the priority of each repeating program scheduled to record. One-time recordings are
not listed on the Season Pass Manager; these individual recordings that you schedule receive the
highest priority. In fact, the most recent individual recording that you requested always has the
highest priority. (TiVo Suggestions always have the lowest priority.)