
panel vi
panel mode 56, 110
Parental Controls
repeating recordings and 23
settings 48
Standby mode and 66
temporarily disabling 48
troubleshooting 116
password protection
networks and 62
Parental Controls and 48
pay per view event, recording 105
Phone & Network Settings screen 58
phone connection
availability detection 60
dial-in settings 59
phone jack 124
photos 10, 39
playlists 40
postal code, Canadian 96
power loss 97
previews, recording from 12
priorities 50
The TiVo Privacy Policy 69
program guide
clearing 12
customizing 32
finding programs with 15
grid style 33
program information screen 6
progressive scanning vii
ratings for movies and TV shows 49
recording capacity 51, 126
actual 51, 126
managing 100
Recording History screen 27
Recording Options screen 25
recording priorities 50
recording quality
about 25
setting the default 51
types and uses 51
recording two programs
at the same time 3, 102
cancelling 12
conflicts 23
copy protection of 14
deleted 27
grouping 7
keeping 25
managing 27
maximum number saved 25
missed 27
options 25
saving to VCR 35
scheduling for overtime 12, 26
scheduling from the Web 12, 18
setting manually 17
settings 50
sorting 7
remote control
incompatibility 52
not working with your TV 99
programmable buttons 52
programming to control your TV 12
resetting buttons 52
settings 52
troubleshooting 99
repeating Guided Setup 65
reruns, skipping 25
resolution vii
restarting the DVR 65
SAP 42
saved portion of a program 14
saving recordings
to VCR 35
scheduled recordings 5
scheduling conflicts 23
searching for programs
by actor 8
by category 19
by keyword 21
by title 16
Season Pass
about 4
changing or canceling 24
managing 24
setting up 5
secondary audio programs 42
service number, finding 64
setting the DVR’s clock 47
audio 42