
Live TV
TiVo Central
and Showcases
Glossary of Icons
Indicates a selection that has some special video content.
Select to watch a special preview or visit a Showcase.
Indicates news or a special promotional offer from TiVo.
These appear when you press THUMBS UP or THUMBS
DOWN. You can rate a program with up to three
icons appear when an option—such as
automatically scheduling an upcoming program or
watching an additional program segment—is available.
Press SELECT or THUMBS UP to choose the option.
Appears as a warning if a remote control button is pressed
during “Save to VCR.”
An individual recording (not part of a Season Pass™ recording or
WishList® search). In other places, indicates an item has been selected.
Program will be recorded as part of a Season Pass recording.
Program will be recorded as part of a WishList search.
(Red with black border) Select to start or stop a recording.
(Tuner swap) Highlight to display the program airing on the other tuner.
Select to switch to the other tuner.
(Dolby Digital) When this icon appears, the program’s soundtrack is
available in Dolby Digital audio. When the icon is bright, alternate digital
audio tracks are available. Select to choose an alternate audio track.
(Alternate Audio) When this icon is bright, select it to choose an alternate
audio track.
Select to display or turn on Parental Controls.
Select to view or change Closed Captioning settings.
® ®
Save to VCR
To Do List and View Upcoming Episodes
(These icons appear beside programs scheduled to be recorded.)
Channel Banner
(These icons appear in the large channel banner.)