Scanner Parameters 6-79
E-EQ-MX3CERG-A-ARC MX3-CE Reference Guide
Serial Interface
Default Values:
Baud Rate Parameter 9600
Decode Data Packet Format Parameter Unpacketed
Host Character Time-out Parameter 200 msec
Host Serial Response Time-out Parameter 2 sec
Intercharacter Delay Parameter 0
Parity Parameter None
Software Handshaking Parameter Enable
Stop Bit Select Parameter 1
Note: LXE recommends keeping the Baud Rate Parameter at 9600 bps at all times for the
MX3-CE. If the baud rate is changed, be sure to change the baud rate in the Control
Panel option "Scanner".
Baud Rate
Baud Rate Parameter Default Value 9600
Baud rate is the number of bits of data transmitted per second. The scanner’s baud rate setting
should match the data rate setting of the host device. If not, data may not reach the host device or
may reach it in distorted form.
Set this parameter by scanning one of the following barcodes.
300 bps
Baud Rate 300
600 bps
Baud Rate 600
1200 bps
Baud Rate 1200