Scanner Parameters 6-53
E-EQ-MX3CERG-A-ARC MX3-CE Reference Guide
MSI Plessey Check Digits
Parameter Default Value: One
Check digits placed at the end of the MSI Plessey barcode verify the integrity of the data. At least
one check digit is always required. Check digits are not automatically transmitted with the data.
When Two Check Digits is selected, an “MSI Plessey Check Digit Algorithm” must also be
Set the number of check digits to be included with the barcode by scanning either of the barcodes
shown below.
One MSI Plessey
check digit
One MSI Plessey Chec
Two MSI Plessey
check digits
Two MSI Plessey Chec
Set Lengths for MSI Plessey
L1 Parameter Default Value: 6
L2 Parameter Default Value: 55
Lengths for MSI Plessey may be set for:
• any length,
• one or two discrete lengths,
• or lengths within a specific range.
The length of a code refers to the number of characters, including check digits, the code contains.
See the table titled “ASCII Character Equivalents” at the end of this chapter.