Groundsmaster 4000--D/4010--DHydraulic System Page 4 -- 4
General Information
Operator’s Manual
The Operator’s Manual provides information regarding
the operation, general maintenance and maintenance
intervals for your Groundsmaster machine. Refer tothat
publication for additional information when servicing the
Check Hydraulic Fluid
TheGroundsmaster hydraulic systemis designedto op-
erate on anti--wear hydraulic fluid. The hydraulic reser-
voir located beneath the operator seat holds
approximately 7.75 U.S.g allons (29.3liters)of hydrau-
licfluid.Check level ofhydraulicfluid daily.See Oper-
ator’s Manual for fluid level checking procedure and oil
1. Hydraulic reservoir 2. Reservoir cap
Figure 1
Relieving Hydraulic System Pressure
Before disconnecting or performing any work on the hy-
draulic system, all pressure in the hydraulic system
mustberelieved.Parkmachineon alevelsurface,make
sure that PTO switch is OFF, lower cutting decks fully,
stop engine andengage parking brake. Wait for all mov-
ing parts to come to a complete stop.
Systempressure inlift circuitisrelieved when thecutting
decks are fully lowered.
System pressure in mow circuit is relieved when the
PTO switch is disengaged.
To relieve hydraulic pressure in traction circuit, turn igni-
tionswitch toON (enginenot running) and movetraction
pedal to both forward and reverse directions. Turn igni-
tion switch to OFF after relieving traction circuit pres-
To relieve hydraulic pressure in steering circuit, rotate
steering wheel in both directions.
After allhydraulic systempressureshave been relieved,
remove key from ignition switch.