Groundsmaster 4000--D/4010--D Page 5 -- 37 Electrical System
Seat Switch
The seat switch is normally open and closes when the
operator is on the seat. This switch is used as an input
for the TEC controller. The seat switch and its electrical
connector are located in the seat assembly. If the trac-
tionsystemor PTOswitchisengagedwhen theo perator
raises out of the seat, an o perator advisory will be dis-
played on the InfoCenter. Testing of the switch can be
done without seat removal by disconnecting the switch
wire from the machine wire harness (Fig. 41).
1. Before disconnecting the seat switch for testing, the
switch and its circuit wiring should be tested as a TEC
input with the InfoCenter Display (see InfoCenter Dis-
play in this chapter). If the InfoCenter verifies that the
seat switch and circuit wiring are functioning correctly,
nofurtherswitch testing isnecessary.I f, however, theIn-
foCenter determines that the seat switch and circuit wir-
ing are not functioning correctly, proceed with test.
2. Make sure ignition s witch is OFF. Remove key from
ignition switch.
3. Disconnect seat switch connector from the machine
wire harness connector.
4. Check the continuity of the switch by connecting a
multimeter (ohms setting) across the seat switch con-
nector terminals.
5. With no pressure on the seat, there should be no
continuity between the seat switch terminals.
6. Press d irectly onto the seat switch through the seat
cushion. There should be continuity as the seat cush-
ion approaches t he bottom of its travel.
7. If testing determines that seat switch is faulty, re-
place seatswitch (seeOperator Seat Service in theSer-
vice and Repairs section of Chapter 7 -- Chassis).
8. Connect seat switch connector to wire harness con-
nector after testing is complete.
1. Seat switch electrical connector
2. Operator seat
Figure 41