Groundsmaster 4000--D/4010--D Page 5 -- 63 Electrical System
Service and Repairs
NOTE: For engine component repair information (e.g.
starter motor), refer to the Yanmar Workshop Manual
that is correct for your Groundsmaster model.
Battery Care
1. The top of the battery must be kept clean. lf the ma-
tremely high, the battery will discharge more rapidly
than if the machine is stored in a location where temper-
atures are cool.
Wear safety goggles and rubber gloves when
working with electrolyte. Charge battery in a
well ventilated place so gasses produced while
charging can dissipate. Since the gases are ex-
plosive, keep o pen flames and electrical sparks
away from the battery; do not smoke. Nausea
mayresult if thegases are inhaled.Unplugchar-
ger from electrical outlet before connecting or
disconnecting charger leads to o r from battery
IMPORTANT: Do not remove fill caps (if equipped)
while cleaning the battery.
2. Check battery condition weekly or after every 50
hours of operation. Keep terminals and entire battery
case clean because a dirty battery will discharge slowly.
A. Clean battery by washing entire case with a solu-
tionof bakingsodaand water. Rinse with clearwater.
B. Coatbatteryposts andcableconnectors withbat-
tery terminal protector (Toro Part No. 107--0392) or
petroleum jelly to prevent c orrosion.
3. Battery cables must be tight on terminals to provide
good electrical contact.
Connecting battery cables to the wrong battery
post could result in personal injury and/or dam-
age to the electrical system.
4. If corrosion occurs at terminals, disconnect cables.
Always disconnect negative (--) cable first. Clean
clamps and terminals separately. Reconnect cables
with positive (+) cable first. Coatbattery posts and cable
connectors withbatteryterminal protector(Toro PartNo.
107--0392) or petroleum jelly to prevent corrosion.
5. If t he battery electrolyte is accessible, check electro-
lyte level every 25 operating hours and every 30 days if
machine is in storage. Maintain cell level with distilled
water. Do not fill cells above the fill line.
Battery Storage
If the machine will be stored for more than 30 days:
1. Remove the battery and charge it fully (see Battery
Service in this section).
2. Either store battery on a shelf or on the machine.
3. Leave battery cables disconnected if the battery is
stored on the machine.
4. Store battery in a cool atmosphere to avoid quick de-
terioration of the battery charge.
5. To help prevent the battery from freezing, make sure
it is fully charged (see BatteryServiceinthissection).