Fluke 105B Telescope User Manual

5 - 8
Users Manual
Choosing Recurrent or Single Acquisition
You can instruct the ScopeMeter test tool to continuously
update its display, giving you a dynamic look at waveform
activity as it occurs (
). You can also tell the
test tool to update its display only once, yielding a snapshot
record of waveform activity (
), termed "Single-
Shot" elsewhere in this manual.
From the Scope Submenu, press to highlight
RECURRENT for continuous display updates. Pressing
stops and starts an acquisition. A
on the top
right of the display indicates that acquisition is stopped.
The time base range is 5ns (10ns)/DIV to 1s/DIV.
Set up the ScopeMeter test tool for "Single-Shot" acquisi-
tions with the following procedure:
1. Press to select SINGLE (highlighted).
begins flashing on the display. The instru-
ment is waiting for a trigger.
appears on the display when the single acquisi-
tion is triggered.
then reappears when acquisi-
tion is completed.
2. Now press again and wait for another single
acquisition trigger.
The time base range is 100ns/DIV to 1s/DIV.
Roll Mode
Roll mode supplies a visual log of waveform activity and is
especially useful when measuring lower frequency
waveforms. To enter the Roll mode, press to select
RECURRENT, then press to select 2s/DIV, 5s/DIV,
10s/DIV, 20s/DIV, or 60s/DIV.
The waveform is now slowly traced on the display from left
to right until the full screen is written. Then the trace slowly
shifts from right to left like a pen-recorder. The Roll mode is
automatically turned off if a time base of 1s/DIV or faster is
Roll is an untriggered mode. The Capture length and
Single-Shot functions are not available. However, the
waveform can be frozen on the display by pressing .