Language Dictionary - 6
int cfMeasCapacityWS(CF_HANDLE server, int cell, float *reading);
Returns the accumulated capacity in watt-seconds of a cell in its present step. The capacity is
reset to zero at the start of each step. If the cell is not in the forming state, the special value
CF_NOT_A_NUMBER is returned. The cell argument can be an individual cell number from 1 to
256, or the constant
CF_ALL_CELLS to request readings for all cells. If CF_ALL_CELLS is given,
the reading argument should point to an array of 256 floats that will receive the return values.
int cfMeasCurrent(CF_HANDLE server, int cell, float *reading);
Returns the measured current for a particular cell or for all cells. The cell argument can be an
individual cell number from 1 to 256, or the constant
CF_ALL_CELLS to request readings for all
cells. If
CF_ALL_CELLS is given, the reading argument should point to an array of 256 floats that
will receive the return values.
int cfMeasDCResistance(CF_HANDLE server, int cell, float *reading);
NOTE: Because this command may take several seconds to complete, you may need to temporarily
adjust the cfSetTimeout function to account for the increased execution time.
Returns the measured DC resistance for a particular cell or for all cells. The cell argument can be
an individual cell number from 1 to 256, or the constant
CF_ALL_CELLS to request readings for
all cells. If
CF_ALL_CELLS is given, the reading argument should point to an array of 256 floats
that will receive the return values.
If the DC Resistance measurement cannot be made, either because the output for a cell is in the
OFF state, the voltage sense is set to Local, or if there is insufficient current flowing to make the
measurement, the special value
CF_NOT_A_NUMBER (9.91E37) is returned.
int cfMeasOutputProbeResistance(CF_HANDLE server, int cell, float
NOTE: Because this command may take several seconds to complete, you may need to temporarily
adjust the cfSetTimeout function to account for the increased execution time.
Measures and returns the output probe contact resistance for a particular cell or for all cells. Data
is in ohms. The cell argument can be an individual cell number from 1 to 256, or the constant
CF_ALL_CELLS to request readings for all cells. If CF_ALL_CELLS is given, the resistance
argument should point to an array of size
CF_MAX_CELLS that will receive the return values.