General Information - 1
The maximum power required for such a system is 25.6 kilowatts. A single power source of sufficient
total amperage may be shared among multiple mainframes connected to the power bus, provided the total
current can be provided while meeting the 24 volt dc input requirement at the power bus terminals on the
rear of each mainframe. Multiple paralleled 24 volt dc sources may be used in place of the single 24 volt,
25.6 kilowatt dc source shown in the figure.
To achieve improvements in energy efficiency, the Agilent E4370A MCCD system can re-use discharge
energy to supplement the energy provided by an external power source when charging other cells in a
multi-unit system. This is possible because of the bi-directional power transfer capability between
charging and discharging cells when connected to a common power bus. To take advantage of this energy
transfer requires that some mainframes in the system must be operating in discharge mode at the same
time that others are operating in charging mode.
No special control system is required for this configuration. The regulation circuits of the 24 volt dc
power source, the Agilent E4370A MCCD, and Agilent E4371A Powerbus Load will operate properly
without any special hardware control lines or additional software being required.
NOTE: Adequate size power bus wiring is required to carry high currents. Refer to Table 2-5.
Measurement Capability
The Agilent MCCD mainframe and charger/discharger cards have a high speed scanning system that
makes voltage and current measurements on all channels. Refer to Appendix A for technical data about
the measurement system. The following measurements are available:
Voltage Measurements
The Agilent MCCD measures the voltage of each channel using a calibrated internal measurement
circuit. In local sensing mode, the voltage measurement is made at the power connector. In remote
sensing mode, the voltage is measured at the end of the remote sense leads. The advantage of remote
sensing over local sensing is that when the remote sense leads are connected to the cell, the actual voltage
of the cell will be measured. Any voltage drops in the load leads will not affect the measurement. Refer
to chapter 2 under Remote Sensing for more information.
NOTE: If your Agilent MCCD system is configured for local sensing, the measured output
voltage may not reflect the actual voltage at the cell. This is because any voltage drops in
the wires due to wire resistance, probe resistance, connector resistance, etc. will reduce
the available voltage at the cell.
Current Measurements
The Agilent MCCD measures actual current in the output current path for each channel using a calibrated
internal measurement circuit.