Example 3: Automated Measurements
Getting Started
1. Press Low Ref (side).
2. On the numeric keypad, press the 2, the 0, and the ENTER (
) butĆ
tons, which sets the low measurement reference to 20%. Observe that
the riseĆtime value has changed.
3. Press Remove Measrmnt (main) ➞ All Measurements (side). That
returns the display to its original state.
You have seen how to display up to four individual automated measureĆ
ments on screen. You can also pop up a display of almost all of the autoĆ
mated measurements available in the Select Measrmnts side menus. This
snapshot of measurements is taken on the waveform currently selected
using the channel selection buttons.
As when displaying individual measurements, you must have a stable disĆ
play of your signal, and that signal must have all the segments necessary for
the measurement you want.
1. Press Snapshot (main) to pop up a snapshot of all available single
waveform measurements. (See Figure 1Ć19).
Figure 1Ć19:ăSnapshot of Channel 1
The snapshot display includes the notation Ch 1, meaning that the
measurements displayed are taken on the channel 1 waveform. You
take a snapshot of a waveform in another channel by first selecting that
channel using the channel selection buttons.
Displaying a
Snapshot of