Saving and Recalling Settings
TDS 620A, 640A & 644A User Manual
To store a setup to disk (optional on the TDS 620A & TDS 640A), press To
File. Then use the general purpose knob to select the exact file from the
resulting scrollbar list. Finally, press the sideĆmenu Save To Selected File to
complete the operation.
Recalling a Setup
To recall a setup stored internally, press SETUP ➞ Recall Saved SetĆ
up (main) ➞ (Recall Setup 1, Recall Setup 2 ... (side).
To recall a setup stored on disk (optional on the TDS 620A & TDS 640A),
press From File. Then use the general purpose knob to select the exact file
from the resulting scrollbar list. Only files with .set extensions will be disĆ
played. Finally, press the sideĆmenu Recall From Selected File to complete
the operation.
Recalling a setup will not change the menu that is currently displayed. If you
recall a setup that is labeled factory in the side menu, you will recall the
factory setup. (The conventional method for recalling the factory setup is
described below.)
Recalling the Factory Setup
To reset your oscilloscope to the factory defaults:
Press SETUP ➞ Recall Factory Setup (main) ➞ OK Confirm Factory Init
See Factory Initialization Settings, on page AĆ23, for a list of the factory
Deleting All Setups and WaveformsĊTek Secure®
Sometimes you might use the digitizing oscilloscope to acquire waveforms
that are confidential. Furthermore, before returning the oscilloscope to
general usage, you might want to remove all such waveforms and any
setups used to acquire them. (Be sure you want to remove all waveforms
and setups, because once they are removed, you cannot retrieve them.) To
use Tek Secure to remove all reference setups and waveforms (does not
affect mass storage disk):
Press SHIFT UTILITY ➞ System (main) ➞ Config (popĆup) ➞ Tek Secure
Erase Memory (main) ➞ OK Erase Ref & Panel Memory (side).
Executing Tek Secure accomplishes the following tasks:
H Replaces all waveforms in reference memories with zero sample values.
H Replaces the current front panel setup and all setups stored in setup
memory with the factory setup.
H Calculates the checksums of all waveform memory and setup memory
locations to verify successful completion of setup and waveform erasure.