Display Modes
TDS 620A, 640A & 644A User Manual
H Vectors has the display draw vectors (lines) between the record points.
H Dots display waveform record points as dots.
H Intensified Samples also displays waveform record points as dots.
However, the points actually sampled are displayed in the Zone color
(TDS 644A) or intensified relative to the interpolated points.
In addition to choosing Intensified Samples in the side menu, the oscilloĆ
scope must be interpolating or Zoom must be on with its horizontal expanĆ
sion greater that 1X. See interpolation on page 2Ć20; see Zoom beginning
on page 3Ć151.
H Variable Persistence lets the record points accumulate on screen over
many acquisitions and remain displayed only for a specific time interval.
In that mode, the display behaves like that of an analog oscilloscope.
You enter the time for that option with the keypad or the general purĆ
pose knob. On color instruments, record points are also displayed with
colors that vary depending on the points persistence. See Choose
Palette on page 3Ć11.
H Infinite Persistence lets the record points accumulate until you change
some control (such as scale factor) causing the display to be erased.
Intensity lets you set text/graticule and waveform intensity (brightness)
levels. To set the intensity:
Press DISPLAY ➞ Intensity (main) ➞ Overall (TDS 640A & TDS 620A),
Text/Grat, Waveform,orContrast (TDS 640A & TDS 620A) (side). Enter the
intensity percentage values with the keypad or the general purpose knob.
All intensity adjustments operate over a range from 20% (close to fully off) to
100% (fully bright).
Contrast (TDS 640A & TDS 620A) operates over a range from 100% (no
contrast) to 250% (intensified portion at full brightness).
The Intensified setting for Timebase in the horizontal menu causes
a zone on the waveform to be displayed in the Zone color
(TDS 644A) or intensified relative to the rest of the waveform. If the
contrast is set to 100%, you won't be able to distinguish the intensiĆ
fied portion from the rest of the waveform because both are the
same brightness.