Tektronix TDS1000- and TDS2000- Sprinkler User Manual

TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
This ch apter des cribes th e men us and op erating details as s ociated with
each fro nt-p anel men u butto n o r contr ol.
Topic Page
Acquire: menu, RUN/STOP button and SINGLE SEQ button 74
Autoset 79
Cursors 84
Default setup 85
Display 86
Help 89
Horizontal controls: menu, SET TO ZERO button, HORIZONTAL POSITION knob
and SEC/DIV knob
Math 93
Measure 94
Print 96
Probe check 96
Save/Recall 97
Trigger controls: menu, SET TO 50% button, FORCE TRIG button, TRIG VIEW
button and LEVEL (or USER SELECT) knob
Utility 110
Vertical controls: menu, VERTICAL POSITION knobs and VOLTS/DIV knobs 112