TDS2CMA Communications Module
TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
2. In the controller software, send the ID? command to the
oscilloscope. The oscilloscope should send back its identification
string which looks similar to the following:
ID TEK/TDS 1002,CF:91.1CT,FV:V1.09 TDS2CMA:CMV:V1.04
3. Send the command FACtory to reset the oscilloscope to factory
settings (defaults).
NOTE. For brief information on command entry, refer to page 150.
For complete command information, refer to the programmer manual
that came with your extension module.
4. Send the command AUTOSet EXECute to have the oscilloscope
automatically acquire the input signal.
5. Send the command MEASUrement:IMMed:SOURCE CH1 to
select measurements on channel 1.
6. Send the command MEASUrement:IMMed:TYPe PK2 to set up
the voltage measurement.
7. Send the query MEASUrement :IMMed:VALue ? to reque st the
measurement result. The oscilloscope will respond with a result
similar to 5.16E0, which is the voltage measurement of the
PROBE COMP signal using the standard 10x probe.
This completes the GPIB interface test.