TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
FORCE TRIG Button. Use the FORCE TRIG but ton to complete the
current waveform acquisition whether or not the oscilloscope detects
a trigger. This is useful for SINGLE SEQ acquisitions and Normal
trigger mode. (In Auto trigger mode, the oscilloscope automatically
forces triggers periodically if it does not detect a trigger.)
TRIG VIEW Button. Use the Trigger View mode to have the oscillo-
scope display the conditioned trigger signal. You can use this mode
to see the following types of information: effects of the Trigger
Coupling option, AC Line trigger source, and the signal connected to
NOTE. This is the only button that you must hold down to use. When
you hold down the TRIG VIEW button, the only other button you can
use is the PRINT button. The oscilloscope disables all other
front-panel buttons. The knobs continue to be active.