automatically be applied to the document. For more information, please see
AssureBuy Payment Processing Window” on page 61.
Transfer Button
When transferring documents and payments from one type to another, all
AssureBuy transactions attached to the originating document will be
automatically reassigned to the new document number. If the entire
document is being transferred, be sure to check the box next to Include
Totals and Deposits so that the payments are transferred with the document.
If only part of document is being transferred, then we suggest that the
Include Totals and Deposits is also checked on the part of the order that will
be posted first. Otherwise the document will not have a payment registered
and will not be allowed to post. After the document is transferred, you should
be able to access the credit card payments in the same way they were
accessed prior to the transfer.
Delete And Void Buttons
When using the AssureBuy Payment Processing application, an automatic
verification is performed to make sure that documents are not deleted or
voided with pending or approved credit card transactions attached.
Depending on the type of credit card transactions found, the AssureBuy
Payment Processing application may prevent the document from being
voided or deleted until a credit card transaction has been removed or
reversed. The following items outline the verifications performed by
1) If any unprocessed credit card transactions are found, then the
application will automatically void the transaction and allow the
document to be voided or deleted normally.
2) If any approved authorization transactions are found, the application
will automatically attempt to reverse the authorization and a warning
message will display if the reversal fails. In this case, the application
will display the following warning message: “Authorization reversal
failed. Continue?” By selecting No on the warning message, the
void or delete process will be aborted. By selecting Yes on the
warning message, the void or delete process will continue without
reversing the authorization. Authorizations are reversed so that the
credit originally set aside by the authorization will be released back
to the customer. Most banks will expire authorizations after a pre-
determined length of time. Reversals are considered a courtesy to
the customer.
3) If any capture or sales transactions are found that do not have a
corresponding refund transaction, the application will display the
following warning message: “Cannot Delete document with
AssureBuy payments on file. Review payments now?” By selecting
No on the warning message window, the application will cancel the
void or delete process. By selecting Yes, the AssureBuy Payment
Processing window will launch with all the transactions attached to
the current document available for review. To complete the void or
delete process, issue a refund for any sale or capture transaction
that has not already been refunded.
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise AssureBuy Functionality • 69