Transaction Type Description
Manual Sale A manual sale or a force transaction allows a
transaction to be entered after an authorization has
been obtained from a voice authorization process. A
voice authorization is provided when calling a
processing center in response to a decline
transaction where the cardholder’s bank replied with
a message indicating the transaction requires a voice
Void The void transaction is used to cancel a sale, capture
or refund transaction that has not yet been settled.
Typically, a void transaction is only used to undo a
transaction during the same day, before a settlement
takes place. Issuing a void on a settled transaction
will result in an error from the AssureBuy payment
IP Address
The Internet protocol (IP) address of a transaction is the buyer’s Internet
address. Each Internet user is assigned a unique IP address for a particular
connection. This IP address functions similarly to a “caller ID” and may be
fixed to a user’s computer or may be randomly assigned by the user’s ISP or
proxy server when a dial-up connection is initiated.
Each IP Address is comprised of four sections. Each of these sections is
referred to as a “class” and will contain a number from 0 to 255. The
sections are separated by a period. The first set of numbers is referred to as
Class A, the second set of numbers is referred to as Class B, and the third
and fourth sections are classes C and D. The classes of an IP address can
be very important in helping to prevent fraud. The fraud system can use the
IP addresses to trap transactions that come from a single IP address or
ranges of addresses. An IP address contains all four classes, while an IP
range must contain at least the class A portion.
IP Address An IP address has all four classes
( of an IP address
and points to a specific computer or
IP Range An IP range has at least 1 of the
classes of an IP range (123.123).
Data Returned
Along with the information required by the payment gateway to complete
processing is the information passed back from the gateway with the results
of the transaction processing. The first and most important piece of
information passed back to the Great Plains software is the result of the
processing or the transaction result. Included with the transaction result are
the responses from the Address Verification System and the CVV
verification. If the seller has chosen to utilize the AssureBuy fraud system,
then the fraud results will also be passed back to the Great Plains software.
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Payment Gateway • 27