the data to be encoded and decoded by only the users and the server. This
process of encoding and decoding the data prevents any other computers or
users from viewing the data being exchanged.
swipe terminal
A swipe terminal is a small machine with a modem that can dial into the
credit card network for authorizations. The machine can read the magnetic
stripe on the back of credit card. Most machines also have a number pad on
the front of the machine where the credit card number can be entered
A transaction is an action taken on the buyer’s order for the purposes of
payment or refunding of a payment. One order may have several
transaction result
The transaction result is the information returned by the AssureBuy payment
gateway that identifies the processing result of the current transaction. This
information should be used to determine whether or not the credit card
payment should be accepted by the seller.
Unprocessed is a type of credit card transaction result that indicates the
transaction has not yet been sent to the AssureBuy payment gateway for
wire transfer
A wire transfer is a banking service for which funds are transferred from one
bank account to another bank account. The wire transfer is similar to an
ACH transaction.
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Glossary of Terms • 124