
Programming Your Scanner
EDACS Tal k Group ID ’ s are c om m only provi ded i n one of two form ats : AFS and
Decimal. This setti n g deter m in es ho w yo u en ter EDACS ID ’s a nd h ow the sca nner
displa ys the m.
AFS Format — the scanner use s AFS format for Ta lk Gro up ID’s
Decimal Format — the scanner u ses d ecimal format for Talk Gr ou p ID’s
Note: The sca nn er d e faults to AFS ( ag ency, flee t, su bfleet) forma t - the fo rma t
used in mo st E DA CS systems.
[MENU] Program System F
Select a system F
Edit Sys Option F
Set Record F
T h is setti ng co ntr ol s ho w th e s cann er handle s the r ecor d opti on for ch annels i n the
All Channel — The sca nn er sen ds the audio f or all ch annels in th e syst em to
the REC jack, regard less of the cha nnel’s record option set t in g.
Marked Channel — The scanner onl y sends the audio for channel s that have
th e Re cord optio n tur ned o n to t he REC ja ck.
Off — The sca nn er do es n ot sen d any aud io fro m any channel in th e syst em to
the REC jack, eve n if the record op tion is turn ed on for a ch a nn el.
Note for systems: In orde r for the fun cti on to work, yo u m ust set the cha nn el to
record. You must also set t he system’s re cord o ptio n t o eit he r All Channel
(which will rec ord all c hanne ls rega rdles s of th e cha nnel’s record s et ting) or
Marked Channel ( wh ich only records t he channels you’ve se t to record).
[MENU] Program System F
Sele ct a t run ked syst em F
Edit Sys Option F
Rvw ID:Srch L/O F
The scanner d isplays each locked out I D for the system and give s you the opt io n
to Unlock the ID. To unlock an ID , ro tate the scroll to select the locked ou t ID, then
press [EYE S]. If n o ID’s are locke d out , t he scan ne r displays Nothing Locked /
Press Any Key.
Setting the System Record Option MELCS
Reviewing ID Search Lockouts MEL