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Using Weather Alert (SAME)
Using Weather Alert (SAME)
Your BCT15 has been pri marily designed as a multi-band, gener al services
sc anner. While it incorporates a weat her a lert abilit y as one of its f eat ures , we
recommen d t hat you not u se the scan ner a s you r sole means fo r rece iving
emergency al erts. Your local el ectronic s r etailer can supply a selec ti on of weather
radios that are dedicated to weather service monitoring including SAME alerts.
Such radios can be more dependable for this appli cation.
Your scanner allows you to search for a local NOAA weather br oadcast and set it
to alert when a SAME (Spec ifi c Area M ess age Encoding) weather alert is
broadcast on a NOAA channel. You can also progr am SAME codes into the
scanner and set a weather channel as a pr iority channel .
Searching For a Weather Broadcast
[MENU] WX Operation F
Weather Scan F
The scanner star ts scanning the preprogrammed weather frequencies, and stops
on the firs t s ignal. G enerally, there will be one c hannel of the ten that y ou will
re ceive best. If this statio n is weak, ro tate the Scroll Control to che ck fo r oth er
weather broadcasts in your area.
NOAA broadcasts are continuous broadcasts. You only lose reception if you
move out of a coverage area. If the s ignal is lost, the s canner r esumes
searching for a weather transm ission.
If you travel to a n ew ar ea , be sure to in itia te a ne w WX Sca n to d etermin e the
best weather channel for that new location.
Turning Weather Scan Alert On/Off
In weather alert m ode, your scanner functions as a severe weather warning radio.
Thi s is especially useful when your area is expecting severe weather conditions
late at ni ght. When you set the scanner to weather alert mode, it holds on the
weather channel, but does not play the channel’s audio. If it detects a w eather
alert, it sounds a tone, displays i nfor mati on about the weather alert, and turns on
the audio so you can hear the weather broadcast.
[MENU] WX Operation F
Weather Alert F