
Programming Your Scanner
Yes — the scanner treats all r ecei ved ID ’s as uni que ID’s.
Note: Mo t orola analog systems u se ta lk g roup ID’s in mult iples of 16. ID nu mbers
that fa ll b etwee n th ese ID’s ind icate sp ecial stat us flag s f or t he syste m. Th is setting
determines how the sc an ner will handle ID’s t hat are not mult iples of 16.
Sele ct your setting the n p ress F.
[MENU] Program System F
Select a Mot or ola Type I or II system F
Edit Sys Option F
Set End Code F
Thi s setting determ ines how the scanner handles the tr ansmission end code sent
by mo st Motorola systems. Select your se t tin g t hen press F.
Yes — the scanner im m ediately retur ns to the control channel w hen it detec ts the
end code.
Ignore — th e sca nn er doe s not r etu rn to the contro l chan ne l un til the ca rr ier
Note: The d efa ult settin g is Yes.
[MENU] Program System F
Select a Motorola Typ e I, II or EDA CS Wid e/Na rrow system F
Edit Sys Option F
Set I-Call F
T his s etting determines how your scanner treats I-Calls w hile ID Searc hing.
On — th e scanner tracks I-Ca lls.
Off — th e sca nner i gn ores I-Calls. The defau lt setting is Off.
Only — th e scanner o nly t racks I -calls an d ig nores ot her r adio tra f fic o n t he
system. P ress F to select.