
Priority Scan
If you acti vate a Prior ity Scan while s canning, the radi o inter r upts i ts sc an every
two seconds to check the p riority ch annel (P -Ch). PRI appears on the sc r een.
T here are tw o ways to set Priority Scan.
1. Press F + [1] to set one of the follo win g Prio rity Scan l evels in Scan / Sca n
Hold mode.
Off — Normal scanning. The scanner pr ovides no speci al treatment for Pr iority
C hannels.
On — The scanne r scan s a ll un lo cked ch an nels an d also checks those d esign ated
a s Priorit y. While sca nning a conventional system, the sca nne r int errup ts eve ry 2
se conds an d che cks t he priority channels in ea ch unlo cked conven t io nal system.
P riority ch an nels in lower priorit y key numbere d syst ems (st artin g f ro m 1) ha ve
hi gh es t pr ior ity. PRI a ppears when you select this mo de.
Plus On — The scanner only scans priority channels in unlocked conventional
systems. PRI fl ashe s w he n you sel ect thi s m o de.
2. You can choose how the scanner treats Priority Channels using the Menu
opti ons.
[MENU] Set Priority F
Choose Off, On, or Plus On F