
Programming General Settings
[MENU] Settings F
Adjust Contrast F
Select a level Level 1 to Level 15 F
Setting the GPS Format
[MENU] Settings F
Set GPS Format F
T h ese se tti ngs co ntr o l ho w the sca nner h andles GPS i n put w h en y o u ar e usi n g the
location-based functions.
Set Pos Format F
Select fr om Degr ee s, Mi nu te s , Seco nds — DDD°MM’SS.ss or Degrees in decimal
Set Time Format F
Select be tween 12H or 24H
Set Time Zone F
Sele ct th e time zone you a re in relative to Green wich M ea n Time (GMT) or
Coordinated Universal Tim e (U TC) from +14.0H thr ough 0.0H and then to
-14.0H in 0.5 hour steps. The Internet is a good source for a quick reference
Set Unit F
Select be tween mile and km (ki lometer)
Setting the BearTracker Options
Set Hold Time
T his is the ti m e that the sc anner remains on a tr ansm is sion w hil e scanni ng a
Bea rTracke r system until it b egin s to scan a new system.
[MENU] Set Bear Tracker F
Set Hold Time F
Set the hold ti m e, in seconds , betw een 0 and 255.
Use to change the number position.