
T h e BC T15 produces va ri o us ton es , beep s, and a l er t so unds for di ffe r ent r ea son s.
T h ey ar e com pr i sed of thr ee fun damental tones: hi gh 120 0 H z, mi dd l e 92 0 H z, a nd
low 640 Hz. In addition there are alert sirens and a series of tones whose volume
are user selectable. Some of the more frequently uncounted tones are detailed
below .
General Tones
Key Touch — a single high beep sounds
Confirm ation — a double high beep sounds
E nter or Acce pt — pr ess [EYES] soun ds a n al ter nati ng h ig h, s i lent, m iddle be ep.
Er ror — this sounds a high beep, silence, r epeated twice.
Weather Alert Tones
War ning — a repeating, rising tone or sir en effect sounds.
Watch — a rising tone w ith a w arbling sounds.
Advisory — a rising tone with in t ermitt en t silence inclu ding the st andard 10 50 kHz
NOAA tone.
Menu Mode Tones
Rotate the Scroll Control in Menu mode produces a single high beep. Turning
past the last menu item in a sequence sounds a double beep.
A s ingle middle tone beep s ounds w hen you make a m enu s el ection usi ng [EYES]
or F.
Pressing [MENU] to back step to a l ower level produces a double, middle tone
Scanner Alert Tones
There are 9 selectable Alert Tones that you can use to provide notice of activity on
a selec ted c hannel using Set Aler t or Em ergency Aler t.
T her e are four selec table tones available for POI pl us tw o mor e fi xed tones
reserved for D angerous Xi ng and D angerous Road.