
This s ett ing determines whic h ty pes of s ignals will trigger an a lert. Choos e your
settin g, then p re ss F.
Alert Only — the scanner aler ts when it detects the 1050 Hz tone th at
accompani es all weather alerts.
SAME 1-5 — the scanner aler ts and displays information about the weather alert
w hen it recei ves a weather alert signal that includes any FIPS code you have
programmed into the specified SAME gr oup.
All FIPS — the scanner aler ts and displays information about the weather alert
whe n it receives an y FI PS code.
Programming a SAME Group
You can edi t any of the 5 SAME groups i n your scanner . Each gr oup c an have up
to 8 FIPS cod e s.
SAME (Specif ic Area Messag ing Syst em) is a syste m deve loped by t he Na tional
Weather Servic e to reduce the number of aler ts r eceived by consumers by
al l owi ng them to hea r al er t s on ly for th e counti es in w hi ch the y ha v e inter est such
as where they l ive or work. Each alert contains infor mation about the type and
severity of the alert, as well as the specific geographic locations affected by the
The ge ograph ic l ocati on s ar e d esi gn ate d us ing FIPS codes. Each coun ty or p ar i sh
in the US and i ts ter r itor ies are assi gned a F IPS code. In addi ti on, certain special
regions and wildcard set t in gs ca n be assign ed.
F IPS codes are in the format nSSCCC:
n — A special sub-county designator. For an enti re county, use 0.
SS — The state co de.
CCC — The county code.
For example, Tar rant County i n Texas is assi gned to FIPS code 048439.
0 indica tes the en tire county
48 indicat es th e st ate of Texas
439 indi cates Tar r ant County
To ge t the FIPS co de for your coun ty, visit the Na tion a l Wea the r Servi ce we b site
at http ://www.nws.no aa .gov an d search f or “FIPS Listing ”.