
Using the Close Call Feature
Your sca nn er’s Close Call™ fe at ure le ts you se t the scanner so it d etects, disp la ys
the frequency of, and lets you hear a nearby str ong r adio transmission. You can
set the scanner s o the Close C all feature w or ks “in the background” while you are
sc anning ot her frequencies , t urn off normal s c anning while t he Close Call f eat ure
is w or king , o r turn o ff th e C lose Call featur e an d use the scan ner normal l y. You ca n
set the s canner so it aler ts y ou w hen the Close Cal l feature finds a fr equency. You
can also set the frequency band where you want the scanner to look for
To toggle Clos e Ca ll mode , press F + [3]. When the feature is on, CC DND or CC
Pri and their indicating icons appear on the display. N ormal operation is br iefly
i nterrupted about every 2 seconds.
The Close Call feature wor ks well for locating the source of str ong local
transmissions such as mobile and handheld two-way radios i n areas with no
o t her stro ng transmission so urces. Severa l fa ct ors af fect Close Call
perfor mance, however. Performance is increased with higher transmit pow er,
receive antenna tuned to the target band, and a low background RF level.
Other th an the a ntenn a, you ha ve no control over the se facto rs, but they
explain why performance might vary by both location and time.
Th e Cl ose C all featur e ca nnot detect s atell i te di shes o r any tr ans m itter w ith a
frequency above or below the frequency ranges l isted under the Set CC
Bands: opti on on Page 106.
The Close Call feature wor ks better with some types of transmissions than
othe rs. It might not corre ctly displa y freque ncy in formation for transmitters
usi ng a high ly di rectiona l a ntenn a (su c h as an am ateur radi o b eam anten na) or
if th ere are many tra nsm itters o pe ra ting at the same time i n the same area.
Setting Close Call Options
[MENU] Close Call F
Nex t, turn the Scroll Control to sel ect an op ti on .
Close Call Only — Lets you set th e scanne r o nly f or Close Ca ll sea rch ing. Th e
scanner does not scan frequencies or channels when this option is turned on. To
select this o ptio n, pr es s F.
CC Auto Store — Lets yo u sele ct wh eth er th e scanner au toma t ically store s
Close Call hits in to chann e ls. If you turn this optio n on, the scanner starts Clo se