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Search and Close Call Options
unmodulated carr ier as data and skips the frequency when Data Skip is on.
Turn the featu re off or talk into the tr an smitter to mod u late the carrier.
This setting is igno red for AM/WFM/FMB ch a nnels.
Setting the Delay Time
[MENU] Srch/CloCall Opt F
Set Delay Time F
Thi s setting determ ines how long the scanner waits after a transmission ends
before re sum ing Quick Sea rch or Close Call o p era tio n.
1-5 sec — Th e s cann er w a its the set am ount of ti m e a fter t h e tra nsm i ssion en ds
before re sum ing . The defau lt setti ng is 2 sec.
Off — The scanner resumes imm ediately when the transm ission ends.
Setting the Search Frequency Step
[MENU] Srch/CloCall Opt F
Set Step F
This setting lets you sele ct th e fre q ue ncy step used for setting the ch a nn els.
Auto — The step is based on the band (see the table at the fr ont of the manual)
Thi s is also the de fault setting .
Setting Record
Yo u can set the REC output jack to provide an audio signal to a sound recording
device (ta pe, PC, fla sh memo ry) f or live reco rd ing of t ransmission s.
[MENU] Srch/CloCall Opt F
Set Record F
On — enables an output to an audio recorder at the REC jack.
Off — di sabl es an audio si gnal at the output jack.
5.0 kHz, 6.25 kHz,
7.5 kHz, 8.33 kHz,
10.0 kHz, 12.5 kHz,
15.0 kHz, 20.0 kHz,
25.0 kHz, 50.0 kHz,
100.0 kHz
T he scanner uses the selected step.