
Using the BCT15 with a GPS
Using the BCT15 with a GPS
The scan ne r lets you conn ect a co mpatible GPS device to it to provid e two ver y
conveni ent oper ation features:
automat ica lly lo cks a nd un lo cks systems and sites based on data you input .
Thi s fine-tunes the scanning oper ation and makes it that much enjoyable.
provides you w ith valuable di spl ayed information and aud io a le rts fo r Points of
Inter est, Dangerous Roads, and Dangerous Crossings. The GPS works in
close coordination wi th your scanner.
Device Compatibility
T he GPS must have serial output, and capabl e of outputting standard NMEA
sentenc es GGA and RMC . (See “N M EA-0183 ver .3.01” w hic h can be found on the
web .)
Connecting Your Scanner to a GPS Device
To use the location-based features of the scanner, you m ust connect a GPS to the
u ni t. Use the ca bl e pr ovi de d by the GPS ma nufac tur er . Make sur e that thei r cab le
terminates in a femal e, 9-pin ser ial co nne ctor. Insert tha t plu g in to the male, 9-pin
socket o n t he back of t he scanne r labeled REMOTE/GPS. On ce the GPS i s
connected, r efe r to the follo win g section s dealing with in p utting sel ectio ns to
enable loc ation based featur e operation.
Initial Scanner/GPS Operation
Wh en the scann e r first starts receiving a sign al fr om the GPS, it briefly displa ys
GPS Connected and silent ly locks and u nlocks all ra dio system a nd sites wh ose
quick key is enabled accord ing to you r cu rrent lo cat io n. I f you have a lo t of d ata
pr og ra mme d, it mig ht take the scann er a couple o f minutes to co mplete the
process. Once t he scan ner co mplet es t he in itia l GPS review, if yo u move in t o or
out of an ar ea cover ed by a radio site, the s canner beeps and di splays the nam e of
the system a nd wh ether it is bein g lo cked or un locke d.
Note: The G P S function key ii yow,t oe t( )100(se)-43( o)-48(l)22.2( r)3.8(i)22.2(n)56.e(o)-43.8(n)56.2(.)-22.2( I)-22.2(f)77.8( yo)-43.cyc( si)22.2(l)22. 43.8(m)(f)77.8(w si)22.2(l)22.rwcks alo systemrr,d u nl n d uct ls th e scat h o r