
Location-Based (GPS) Scanning
T he BCT15 uses data, supplied by an attached GPS unit, that lets the radio
automatically unlock and lockout sites based on the geogr aphical information you
Lati tude (the center of the range or site)
Longitude (center of the range or site)
Range (the radius of a circle around the latitude and longitude coordinates
selected fr om u p to 50 miles form tha t ce n ter.
You set the longitude and lati tude to appr oximate the center of a geogr aphi c entity
su ch as your local city. Then set the ran ge to en circle th at cen ter po in t. B y doing so
the scanner a uto mat ically locks out reception of an area outside t hat circle.
All geopoli tical areas are rarely perfect cir cles. You can accommodate these
va riat io ns by ent ering mult ip le site s f or th e syst em, even t houg h the syste m
actually has only one site, and use different location settings for each of those
additional sites.
F igure A shows, schematically, an ideal reception situation. The area almost
m atches the site area. Bu t Figure B is mo re like the real wo rld. How d o yo u
effecti ve ly matc h the na rr o w geogr ap hi ca l ar ea to the ci rc u l ar si te tr ansm iss ion?
Fi gure C shows the ans wer. You create mul ti pl e si tes for the sc anner . You program
the longitude and latitude, and the range, of each of the three sites to more closely
ma tc h the ge ograph ic ar ea .
Figure A Figure B Figure C