
Then, select the system type:
MOT TYPE 1 — Motorola Typ e I systems
MOT TYPE 2 — Motorola Typ e I I systems
EDCS WIDE/NARROW — E DACS Wide and Na rrow systems
LT — LTR Systems
The scan ner create s an empty system with a de fau lt na me o f System n x. Note
that “n ” is a number t hat incre ment s as yo u add n ew systems. The “x” on t he right
side o f the display is M f or Mot oro la syst em, E for E DACS syst ems, a nd L f or LTR
systems. Af t er creating the system:
1 . Set the syst em-le vel set tings in “Pro grammin g S ystem S et t in gs” t hat apply to
the t ype of syst em you selecte d.
2. Set up a t le ast on e sit e for t he syste m as describe d in “Pr ogram ming Si tes” on
Page 81.
3. To scan specific channels, cr eate one or more channel groups with channels
as described in “Programming Channel Groups.”
Programming System Settings
E ach syst em na me can be made of up t o 16 chara ct ers. Abb re viat e as ne cessary
to fit. Fo r Mo torola and EDACS Wide / Narrow systems, the system na me on ly
appear s in the scanner menu’s Program System listings. It is not shown during
sca nnin g. Fo r ot her syste ms, the syst em name alt ernates wit h the Ch annel g roup
w hen the scanner stops on a channel.
The de fault syst em na me s inclu de t he follo wing le t t er in t he 1 6th posit io n to
ind ica te th e syst em t ype :
M = Motorola; E = EDAC S; L = L TR; C = C on ventiona l
Specifying the Correct System Type
In ord er fo r trunk t ra cking t o wo rk properly, you ha ve t o specify t he correct syst em
type wh en you cre ate t he syst em. Here are some tips f or selecting the co rrect
Editing the System Name MELCS