
Tone Volume Adjust — let s you select a nd set various t on es f or diff eren t
purposes. You can adjust the l evel of the following tones: Key Beep, BearTracker
Al ert, Emergency Ale rt, C ha nn el Ale rt, C lose Call Al ert, Ton e- Out Detection Alert,
and Loc ation Alert.
PC Control — lets you can connect the scanner to the serial port of your PC and
cont rol the sc anner wit h special software.
Wired Clone — ma kes it easy t o t ransfe r dat a fro m on e scan ner to t he ot her such
as memory i nformation and menu s ettings .
Memory Backup — feel co nfident of secu re sett in gs be cause t he scanner’s
memory is backed up during operati on and retained when power i s turned off.
Audio AGC — helps to bal ance the audio level from different sources.
Record Out — yo u c an c o nn ec t an o utp ut jack to a VOX cont ro lled recor de r or PC
sound input to recor d the recei ved audio.
Orange Wire Vehicle Connection — a speci al wire l ets you connect to the
dimmer circuit of your ve hicle so t h e vehicle’s dimme r also d ims t he scanner’s
ligh ting.
Startup Configuration — lets you easi ly change the scanner ’s operation for
different areas.
Tr unk Tracking
Trunk Tra cker III — you can scan the fo llowing t runked syst ems: Mot orola Type I
800 MHz, M oto rola Type II 800, 900 M Hz, UHF, VHF, E DACS WID E, NARROW,
and SCAT, and LTR
Control Channel Only — eliminates the need to program voice channel
frequ en cies f or Moto rola systems.
Multi-Site Trunking Support — lets y o u pr og ra m the scan ner t o sh ar e tr unke d
system channels across mu ltiple sites, a nd tu rn o n an d off each site ind ep enden tly
so that you ca n se le ct th e be st site to sca n for your are a w ithout duplicatin g
ID Auto Store — you ca n s tor e a ne w TGID fou nd du r in g a sea rc h into a sp eci fi ed
Quick Search — le ts yo u con t in ue a search start ing from a curr ent frequency in a
conventio nal syste m o r from a current t runke d chan ne l TGID in a t runked syst em.