
7. GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) Key
Pre ss t o swit ch t o GPS mode.
Pr ess and hold to store c ur r ent location data with a connected and enabled
8. L/O Key
Pre ss once t o t emp orarily lockout a syst em cha nne l, a search frequency, o r
loc ation data. T he temporary lock out is cancell ed when y ou tur n off pow er.
Pre ss t wice rapidly to perman en tly lockout a system cha nn el, a search
fr eq ue ncy, or lo catio n d ata. The permanent lockout rema ins in effect until you
purposely unlock that channel , frequency, etc. Note: this does not apply to a
TGI D foun d during a n ID Sea rch using t he B earTra cker syst em.
Pres s an d hold while in Sc an or S c an Hold mod e t o unlock a ll loc k ed v alues in
the current syst em.
Press and hold to unlock location da ta in Revi ew Location (GPS) mo d e.
Pr ess and hold to unl ock al l the frequencies of all Search R anges i n Search
mode and Clos e Call mode.
9. [1] to [9] and [0] Key
In Scan mod e, pr ess the nu mer ic keys to access a set Quick K ey for a system
or search r ange.
I n Custom Sea rch mode, press n umeric ke ys to enable or disable a sp ecific
search range number, appli cable only to the search range.
In A ll Hold, Clos e Call, an d To ne-Out mode s , p res s t he numeric k ey s to s witch
to Direct Entr y mod e .
When editing a name, press [4] to mo ve the cur sor o ne character to th e le ft.
Press [6] to mo ve the cur sor one character to the right.
10. [.No] Key
Press to cancel an Err or or Warning message.
Press to in pu t the d ecimal p oint for a fr eq ue ncy.
Pr ess to enter a hyphen when inputting a Talk Group ID.
Press to enter an ‘i’ as the first chara cte r of an I-Ca ll (In dividu a l Call) in Hold ,
C lose Call Only, and Tone-Out modes.
Press to enter nu meric values for the tens pla ce for a Quick Key.