
Search With Scan — lets you mon itor a ser vice search and a cust om search scan
sequenti all y.
Service Search — le ts you select fro m a list of the mo st p op ular services (Pub lic
Safety, Ne ws, HAM Radio , Ma rine, Ra ilroad, Air, Citi zens Band Radio,
FRS/GM RS, Racing, TV Broadcast, FM Broadcast, Military Air, and Special,) and
set up your search within that range.
Scan Speed — you can scan at a maximum speed of 100 channel s per second in
Scan Mode .
Turbo Search — in re gu lar Se ar ch Mode t he scan ne r che cks a t a maximu m value
of 100 steps pe r second wh ile in Turbo Mode, the rat e rise s t o 30 0 st eps per
sec ond and sets the step to 5 kHz automatically which provides you with greater
ability to hea r more.
Search Key — you can assig n three keys t o init ia t e a search range .
Location Based Scanning — using a connected, optional GPS, you can easily
listen t o syst ems as you travel.
GPS (Location Based) Alerts — notify you when you near an ar ea you have
programmed as a dangerous road, danger ous intersection, or a gener al point of
Weather and SAME/FIPS Alert — the scanner receives your area NOAA
broadcast and can be program m ed to receiv e SAM E Event C odes and FIPS
codes for area speci fic data.
WX Priority — y ou wi ll k no w i mm ed i ate l y w he n a we ather al er t is tr ansmi tted on a
N OAA w eather channel.
WX Scan — lets to qui ckl y find the best w eather channel for your geographi c