
A Short User’s Guide to Assist the First-Time
Scanner Enthusiast
Welcome to the famil y of Uniden scanner user s. You have j ust unpacked your
U niden BCT15 scanner. You are anxious to scan and hear something so you
ro tat e the [VOL/POWER] control and wait a moment as the opening Message and
Copyright s c reen s c onf irm t he mode l informat ion. T hen, if you liv e in a residential
area, you pr obably hear nothing or very little. Why? The reason is simple. The
programmable BC T15 does not instinctively know where you are and what you
wi sh to liste n to.
Take a few minute s t o assist in the ‘ed ucating your sca nner’ process so you can
enjoy li steni ng for the fi rst ti me and feel good about your purchase.
Be fore pro ceed ing, first set the volume and the sque lch le vel s. Once set corre ctly,
these settings let you li sten at a com fortable level and let the scanner provide a
si gn al w ho se streng th is sufficie nt to b e he a rd cle a rly. Alwa ys be sure to conne ct
the provided antenna or an external (optional) antenna.
There a re seve ra l op tions th at quickly a ssure you t ha t yo ur scan ner works.
T he easiest is to activate the scanner ’s Weather System (following) or
B earTr acker Syst em on Page 52. Fol low th es e ste ps to tune t o the ne ar est NOAA
(Nati onal Oceanic and Atmospheri c Administration) broadcast.
[MENU] WX Operation F
T he scanner changes to the local NOAA weather channel for your area. Although
ther e are ten channels, one will be received best for any given location.
Press [SCAN/SEARCH] to exit WX mode .
Once you establi sh that the scanner operates usi ng the NOAA i nfor m ation, y ou
can next begin m onitor ing one of the services w ithin the BearTracker System.
The Unid en B ea rTra cker S yst em makes it e asy for you to start scan ning other
ser vices , especially for the travel er . We have prepr ogram med the BC T15 with the
system da t a on a state-by-stat e Unit ed St at es main la nd ba sis.
R efer to the enclosed r eprint of the article from P opu lar Communications dealing
with s canner programming.
To correctl y program the BCT15 scanner begin on Page 68. The tw o essential
programming steps ar e
1 . Pla n t he syst em