
Understanding Scanning and the BCT15
Thi s section pr ovides you with additi onal back gr ound on how scanni ng wor ks and
how your scanner provides that feature. You don’t real ly need to know all of this to
use your scanner, but some further background knowledge will help you get the
most from your BCT15.
Understanding the Scanner’s Memory
Your scanner’s memory is organized in an architecture called Dy namic Allocat ed
C hannel memory. This type of memory is organized differently and more efficiently
than the bank/channel architecture used by traditional scanners. Dynamic
A llocate d design mat ches how radio systems actually work much more clo sely,
maki ng it easi er to progr am and use your scanner and determine how much
memory yo u h ave use d and how much you have le f t.
Instead of being organized into separ ate banks and channels, your scanner’s
memory is contained in a pool. You si mply use as much mem or y as y ou need i n
the pool to store as many frequencies, and talk group ID’s as desired. No m emory
space is wasted, and you can tell at a glance how much memor y you have used
and how muc h remai ns.
With a tr aditional scanner, when you pr ogram it to tr ack a trunked system, you
must first pr ogram the fr equencies. Since you can onl y program one tr unking
system pe r b an k in a t radit iona l scan ner, if there were (for examp le) 3 0
frequencies , the remai ning channels i n the bank ar e not used and ther efore
wasted. Also, since some tru nke d syst ems mig ht ha ve hundred s of talk groups,
yo u wo uld ha ve h ad t o ent er those types of systems in t o mult ip le ba nks in o rd er t o
m on itor an d tra ck all the ID’s.
Understanding Quick Keys
Traditional “Banked” scanners let you select and desel ect banks by pressing a
si ngle digit on the keypad. The BCT15 uses a similar method to turn on and off
sca nnin g sites and systems. When you program a system or site , yo u assign a
q uick key (S yst em/S ite Q uick Ke y, or SQK) from 0 to 99. Yo u ca n use t he same
q uick key for mu ltip le syst ems, so that t he systems are t urned on an d off tog ether.
To turn a syst em/site on or o f f, ju st pre ss the digit corresp ondin g to the assign ed
SQK. For two- di git SQK’s, first press [.No], then e nte r the two-d ig it SQK.
T he BCT15 lets you assign another quick key to a group of channels within a
system. This group qu ick key (GQ K ) can be f rom [0]-[9]. To turn on and o ff
channel groups, you press F wh ile th e sca nn er is scanning the syst em cont aining