1 . Remove t he bra cket if it is at tache d.
2. Remove the fou r Philips screws fro m fou r sma ll tabs of the case, on the r ea r,
that secure the outer metal case and pull off the case (toward the rear) with
3. Install the DIN sleeve i nto the opening in your dashboard, lip facing out.
4. Push out the top and bottom tabs to hold the sleeve fir mly in place.
5. Befor e inser ti ng the sca nner i n th e sl ee v e, attach t he c a bl e fr om the previousl y
m ou nte d a nte nn a. Attach the DC Po we r lead s. RED g oe s to a p ositive (+)
co nnection on yo ur fuse b lo ck while BLA CK con nects to the veh icle’s chassis
gr ou nd (- ) .
6. C onnect the ORANGE lead to one si de of the headlamp switch so that when
yo u act ivat e th e hea dlights, t he scanner’s LCD disp lay changes inte nsity. B e
sure all the connections are routed away fr om any potentially pinching or
slic ing sheet met al.
7 . Slo wly slide the scanner int o t he sle eve until it locks in pla ce.
8. To remo ve the un it, fully in sert the removal keys in to e ach slot o n the left an d
right edges of the fr ont panel . Carefully sli de the radio from the sleeve.
Note: if you plan to connect a GPS unit or external speaker at a l ater time, expect
to rem ove the unit for ease of m aking those connections.