
Rem ote Int erfac e J ack 4pin Mini Type
GPS / Re m ote Int erface J ack D-s ub 9pin Male T ype
Ext . DC Pow er / OR NG Wire Jac k 3pin (Cent er Orange Wire)
Operating Tem perature : N ominal -20° C to +60°C
C lose Call -10° C to +60°C
Siz e : 7.24 in. (W) × 6.06 in. (D ) × 2.20 in. (H)
W eight : 3.5 lbs (wit hout Mount ing Brac ket )
Featur es, specifications, and availability of optional accessories are all subject to
ch ange wi th out noti ce .
Contact your loc al Uniden Dealer or call t he Uniden Pa rts Cen ter at:
(800) 554-3988, 8:00AM to 5:00PM EST, Monday through Friday, for infor mation
about ordering these optional accessories.