
The systems in use ar e:
Motorola Type I — the ra dios send th e ra dio ID, the fleet and subfle et talk group
ID to the co ntro l chann el e ach t ime they t ra nsmit. To progra m a Type I syst em, you
need to kn ow the syst em ’s fleet map. T he most c om m on fleet m aps are inc luded in
the Reference section in this manual. You can also find fleet map resources on the
web at h ttp://www.ra dioreferen ce.co m for example.
Motorola Type II — the r adi os onl y send the r adio ID and r adio channel code to
the control channel. T he centr al computer keeps a database of radio ID’s and
w hich talk gr oup is assigned to which channel code for each radio, so with this
system the u ser’s radio se nds only ab ou t
/3 t he da ta as a Type I system with each
transmissio n. Type II syst ems d o not use Fle et-su bfle et talk gro up s; in st ead t h ey
use a 5-di git ID for e ac h tal k gr ou p.
Type IIi Hybrid — the se syste ms support a mix of both Type I an d Type I I users.
L ike Typ e I systems, you mu st kn ow the syst em’s f le et ma p to ensure prop er
Motorola ASTRO 25 (APCO 25) — t he se rad ios are similar to Type II syst ems,
but send only the radio ID and radio channel code to the contr ol channel,
transmitting voi ce in digital form. The BC T15 is not designed to process APCO 25
EDACS Trunking
E DACS trun kin g wo rks in much th e same way as Motorola tru nking with a couple
o f major d iffere nce s. In an EDACS syst em, each f req uency used by t he system is
assigned a Logical Channel Number (LCN ) so that less data needs to be
transmitted by the control channel. Talk groups are assi gned in an
Agency-Fleet-Subfleet (AFS) hierarchy. There is one variation of EDACS called
SCAT ( Si ngle C hannel Autonom ous T r unki ng) that your BC T15 c an m onitor .
Logical Channel Numbers — e ach freq uen cy u sed by the syst em is assign ed an
LCN. This info rma tio n is pr og rammed into each user radio . Wh en a user p resses
PTT, thei r radio sends their AFS information to the control channel. The computer
then ass igns that tal k gr oup to a channel and sends the LC N s o that al l other
radios in that talk group wil l switch to the correct channel. To program an EDACS
system in yo ur scanner, yo u will need to know bot h the f re qu encie s u sed by t he
system an d t he LCN for each freque ncy.
Agency-Fleet-Subfleet — t alk group I D’s f or EDA CS systems are a ssigne d in a
way th at makes it easy to see at a glance th e affiliatio n of th e user. Each radio is
assigned a 2-digit agency identifier from 00 - 15. For example, 01 might be used