
Set CC Bands — Lets you se lect the Close Call b an d setti ng s. Yo u can turn the
following bands on or off.
VHF Low 1 (25.0000-53.9800 MHz)
VHF Low 2 (54.0000-107.9000 MHz)
Air Band — (108.0000 - 136.9750 MHz)
VHF High 1 — (137.0000-224.9800 MHz)
VHF High 2 — (225.0000-319.9750 MHz)
UHF — (320.0000 - 512.0000 MHz)
800MHz+ — (764.0000 - 775.9875 MH z, 794.0000 - 823.9875 M Hz, 849.0125 -
868.9875 MHz,
894.0125 - 956.0000 M Hz,1240.000 - 1300.0000 MHz)
Use the Scroll Control to select a ban d, press F, to select On or Off. Tu rnin g
off undesired bands speeds up Close Call operation ( works for all frequencies
listed above).
Close Call Hits
When the scanner detects a Close Call hit, it alerts you according to the Override
and Alert settings i n the pr evious section. While listening to a Cl ose C all hit, you
can do any of the following: press [HOLD/RESUME] to hold on the h it fr eq ue ncy,
press F to q uickly save t he f requency into me mory, press [L/O] to lo ck ou t the
frequency from Close Call and Search operation, or wait for the tr ansmissi on to
If you are in Close C al l Onl y or C lose Cal l Overr i de m ode, and you do not press
any key, the scanner returns to its previous operation after the tr ansmissi on ends
an d the set dela y time e xpir es.
If you are holding on the frequency, press [HOLD/RESUME] ag ain to re sum e the
previous operati on.
Clos e Call Hit s are jus t the last 10 hits rec eiv ed in Clos e Call mode. T he h its go
a wa y when you cycle po we r (if you wan t to sto re it “pe rma nently” press F when
the scanner i s on the frequency; the scanner then stores the frequency into the
“Clo se Ca ll” system which sh ows u p in the systems list ).