
Auto Search and Store
Your scanner’s Auto Store feature lets you search for new frequencies i n custom
search ranges or wi thin a ser vice search range on a conventional system, or new
talk group I D’s on a tru nke d syst em.
Selecting a System
To store frequencies or talk group ID’s you find during Auto Store, you must first
se le ct a system wh ere t he f requ en cies or talk group ID’s will be sto re d.
[MENU] Search for ... F
Search and Store F
S elect the system wher e you wa nt to store the fr eq ue ncies
or tal k group IDs F
If no syste ms are pro grammed , No System Stored appears. If the selected
system ha s mo re t han 20 groups, Over Limit appears.
Conventional Search and Store
You can st ore f re quencies into t he syst em yo u se le cted in “Selectin g a S yst em”
above. Otherwi se, the scanner stores frequencies in a new group it cr eates.
F oll ow the steps in the preceding section but be sure to select a Conventional
System. A search option appears that lets you choose from a Custom Search to
the other service sear ch ranges previously mentioned ( Public Safety, News…etc) .
Turn th e Scroll Control until the search range you want appears, then press F to
select it. One of the search ranges appear s.
If frequencies in your selected search range are all locked out, All Locked!
appear s and the scanner does not stor e any frequencies.
When yo u se le ct a sea rch ran ge, th e scanner looks f or active f requ en cies with in
tha t ra ng e. The t op l ine o f the displ ay alternates be tween the syst em n ame an d th e
search range name while SEARCH AND STORE appears beneath it. T he second
l ine changes to Memory Check when the sca nner detect s a tra nsmission wh ile it
i s checking to see if the frequency has alr eady been stored.
When the scanner finds an active transmission, it checks to see if the frequency
h as alrea dy bee n stored in the syste m. I f t he f requency has alrea dy bee n st ored,
the scanner continues to search. If the frequency has not been stored, it stores the
frequency into a group named Found Channels, then re sumes search in g. The
scanner creates this gr oup if it doesn’t already exist.