
A Short User’s Guide to Assist the First-Time Scanner Enthusiast
2. Pr ogra m the system b ased on t he pla n.
The reprinted article from Popul a r Comm uni catio ns, descr ib es, in cle a r,
easy-to-understand language, how to start the programm ing sessi on. The article
also incl ud es a glossa ry of term s and oth er valuable da ta. Be su re to take ti me out
to look it over before proceeding.
T o provide you with useful sized worksheets and instructions to complete them, we
have established links at our company website. Visit, http ://www.unid en.com /scanners
t o se e a li st of h el p f ul fo rm s. Bu t first, visit http :/ /www.r ad iorefere nce.com and locate
the system neares t your loc ation that you w ant to scan. If you r egis ter and pay a s m all
fee, you can download a ready-to-use formatted PDF complete with the data from your
selected system . Otherwise, you c an pri nt the blank wor ksheet on our web page as
you would any other w eb bas ed page.
T he progr am m ing data of a l arge m etr opol itan area may c onsi st of many pages
depending on how extensi ve the area’ s Public Ser vi ce Sy stem Talk groups are.
D on’ t be over w hel m ed. Begi n by choosing the Talkgroups of i nter est to y ou.
Transfer the data from the Radio Reference sheets to the appropr iate work sheet,
fi nall y pr og r am mi n g th e data into the scan ner .
You can vi sit one of the Radio R efer ence for um s and potenti al ly learn of someone
i n you r i m m edia te ar ea w ho ha s pr ogram med the sam e mo del s cann er in you r
area. T hen, by usi ng the Cl one feature or by exchangi ng files that you each have
tr ansferr ed to a com puter using the Uniden Advanced Scanner Di rector (UASD)
sof t wa re you can in sta ll the progra mme d data int o yo ur sca nner. O nce you have
either programmed or selected the option that lets you start experiencing
scanni ng, spend the next few minutes learning the basics of trunk tracking for an
even more complete listening appreciation.