5-2 Syntax and Parameters
MX2 Reference Guide Revision A MX2A137REFGD
Syntax and Parameters
The command line syntax for XFER is as follows:
XFER [/option1 [/option2] . . .] filename(s)
You can use a slash (/) or a hyphen (-) to denote options, and you can
use uppercase or lowercase letters for them. Options can be placed
before or after filenames on the command line.
Basic options and their defaults are listed and described in the following
table. The “Default” column indicates whether the option is used (On) or
ignored (Off) if you do not include it in the command line. For options
that have two or more possible values, the default value is given.
XFER Parameters
Option Description Default
Xmodem Zmodem
filename(s) Identifies the file to be transferred or received. None None
@file (Zmodem only) Specifies a response file
consisting of two or more names of files to be
transferred. Replace file with the name of the
response file to use.
N/A None
# Specifies the communications port to use.
Replace the # symbol with the desired setting:
1 = COM1
2 = COM2
1 1
B# Specifies the baud rate. Replace the # symbol
with the desired setting:
19200 19200