Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100Page 6 -- 4Cutting Unit
General Information
Operator ’s Manual
The Cutting Unit Operator’s Manual provides informa-
tion regarding the operation, general maintenance and
maintenance intervals for the cutting unit on your
Greensmaster machine. Additionally, if optional kits
have been installed on the cutting unit (e.g. grooming
reel), the installation instructions for thekit includes set--
up and operation information. Refer to those publica-
tions for additional information when servicing the
cutting unit.
Supporting Cutting Unit when Servicing
Whenever the cutting unit has to be tipped to expose the
bedknife or cutting reel, support the rear of the cutting
unit to make sure the lock nuts on the back of the bedbar
adjuster screws are not resting on the work surface.
1. Lock nut 2. Support
Figure 1
Battery Pack Connection
Before servicing the machine, disconnect the
the machine from the battery pack. This will pre-
vent unexpected machine operation.
To prevent unexpected machine operation during ser-
vice, disconnect the machine from the battery pack as
the first step in any r epair (Fig. 2). Once the battery pack
has been disconnected, the electrical systemon the ma-
chine can be safely worked on. Take care duringrepairs,
however, to not allow tools or vehicle components to
complete the battery circuit that was opened with the
cable removal.
Connect the machine wire harness to the battery pack
as the last step in any repair.
1. Battery pack
2. Battery connector
3. Machine connector
Figure 2