9 - 28 92B/96B/99B/105B Users Manual
Smooth (Scope) Averages multiple samples of a
waveform. Useful to suppress noise without loss of
Square Wave A common waveform that consists of
repeating square pulses.
Sweep Speed see "Time Base"
Time Base The time defined per horizontal division on
the display, expressed in seconds per division.
Time Delay The time between the trigger event and the
real acquisition of the waveform.
Top Display The upper edge of the display, where the
ScopeMeter test tool lists probe calibration, voltage scale,
time base, input coupling, and trigger information.
Trace The displayed waveform that shows the voltage
variations of the input signal as a function of time.
Trigger Determines the beginning point of a waveform.
Trigger Level The voltage level that a waveform must
reach before the ScopeMeter test tool will read in.
Trigger Slope The voltage direction necessary for the
ScopeMeter test tool to begin its trace. A positive slope
requires the voltage to rise as it crosses the trigger level. A
negative slope requires the voltage to fall.
Trigger Source The signal that triggers the ScopeMeter
test tool. This can be the waveform being viewed, or it can
come from another waveform.
Voltage Spike A momentary increase or decrease in
voltage (see also Glitch).
Waveform The pattern defined by an electrical signal.
Window A list of functions from which you can choose.
You open a window with the F1-(MORE) function key. You
close the window with the F1-(CLOSE) function key.
Zoom Displays a live waveform with increased time
resolution, giving up to 1000x magnification.