Default gear for launching the machine will be F5 and
R1. Inching will be allowed from F1 to F10 and R1 to
R2 (subject to clutch energy analysis).
CAUTION: Inching time is NOT limited, and thus if
an operator holds the inching pedal below the auto-
modulate threshold, excessive heat can be generated
and clutch damage can occur.
This strategy is used to shift the machine out of neutral
to any gear within the max allowed inching gear range.
This feature should be used in loaded conditions to
minimize clutch energies and ensure a smooth shift
out of neutral. Auto-modulation should be used to
launch the machine during normal operation. Only
use the inching method if fine speed control is needed
for maneuvering or implement hook-up.
ATTENTION: Selected Gear will match the Operator
Requested Gear except for when the shifter is in
Neutral. When the shifter is in Neutral, the selected
gear will show what forward gear the operator will get
when the shifter is place in forward.
Shuttle Shifts (Directional Shifts)
Shuttle shift is used to go from forward direction to
reverse, or vise versa, as quickly as possible without
the use of the inching pedal. This is accomplished by
using single clutch shifts. Shuttle shift will be allowed
between F1 and R1, F2 and R1, F3 and R1, F4 to R1,
and F5 to R2 (subject to clutch energy analysis). If a
shuttle shift is initiated from gears above the allowed
gear, the transmission controller will downshift the
transmission to the allowed gear and then initiate the
shuttle shift.
In order to perform a shuttle shift, move the shifter
from the current direction into the opposite direction
quickly and smoothly. The shifter must not linger in
the Neutral position for more than 0.3 seconds. If
the shifter stays in Neutral for more than 0.3 seconds
before being moved to the opposite direction of travel,
then a shift to Neutral will be initiated followed by
an auto-modulation shift into gear. This can cause
undesirable shift harshness and the desired gear may
not be achieved.
Section 3 - Operation
Transmission Operation
Speed Matching
Speed matching will enable the operator to push in
the inching pedal or shift to Neutral while coasting
and have the transmission automatically select a gear
to better match the current machine speed when the
inching pedal is released or the shifter is placed back
into gear. Transmission will speed match from F16
down to default or maximum launch gear for starting
Manual Shift Mode
During manual shift operation, the transmission shifts
in response to specific operator actions: moving the
bumpshift lever forward or back for direction change, or
from side to side for upshift or downshift, (gear change)
or depressing the inching pedal (manual modulation
control). The transmission will override the operator
requested gear only when an operator request can not
be accommodated due to performance limitations or
to match the transmission gear to the transmission
input/output speed ratio (speed matching).
There are predetermined delays between upshifts
and downshifts. If rapid upshifts or downshifts are
requested, and if the shifts can not be carried out
in the requested time, the transmission will queue
the requested shifts and upshift or downshift at the
quickest time allowed. This strategy will allow better
shifts by letting the engine speed recover before the
next shift. This will also reduce the risk of engine stall
caused by rapidly upshifting and reduce the risks of
engine overspeed caused by rapidly downshifting.
Queued shifts can be canceled by using the bumpshift
lever to downshift. For example, if the transmission
is in F7 currently and the requested gear is F15, by
moving the bumpshift lever to the left (downshift)
once, the requested gear will become F7.
Queued shifts can also be used in autoshift modes.
When in gear and using the autoshift mode, queued
shifts can be accumulated if rapid upshift or downshift
are requested beyond the established gear limits.
Automatic Shift Mode
During autoshift operation, the transmission upshifts
and downshifts automatically based on the strategy
of the selected autoshift mode but without exceeding
the maximum requested gear.